In this reference, [ ] surrounds optional parameters, and { } surrounds optional, repeated parameters.

HTML5 data attributes

You write commands in specific attributes added to HTML markup. These attributes have names starting with the data- prefix.


Alternatively, you can write commands in attributes belonging to a specific namespace, typically declared as:


The examples in this reference use the data- prefix, but assuming there's a namespace declared as above, the examples also work by replacing the data- prefix with the v: prefix in the attribute names.

The template engine also recognizes attribute names with the prefix mullet: as commands even when there is no namespace declaration for that prefix.

Undefined variables

Variables which do not exist, or have the value null in Java or nil in Ruby, render as an empty string by default. The programmatic API allows you to configure the template engine to render some other value or throw an exception when this happens.


These commands render data provided by the application.

Set attribute

data-attr = "attribute=variable {; attribute=variable}"

Set the attribute named attribute with the value of the variable named variable. If the variable does not exist, or the value is null in Java or nil in Ruby, then remove the attribute.

<h1 data-attr="title=greeting">

For convenience, these commands set commonly used HTML attributes and require only the variable as the parameter:

  • data-action
  • data-alt
  • data-checked
  • data-disabled
  • data-href
  • data-readonly
  • data-selected
  • data-src
  • data-title
  • data-value

Set element content text

data-text = "variable"

Set the text content of the element to the value of the variable named variable. The text replaces any existing children of the element.

<h1 data-text="greeting"></h1>

Repeat element

data-for = "variable"

Render the element zero or more times depending on the value of the variable named variable.

  • If the variable does not exist, or the value is Boolean false or null in Java or nil in Ruby, then do not render the element.
  • If the value is a collection, then render the element for each item in the collection.
  • If the value is an object, then render the element exactly once.

In each iteration, the current item is set as the current context for variable lookups. The special variable name . references the current item.

  <li data-for="repos">
    <span data-text="description"></span>

Render element if condition is true

data-if = "variable"

If the variable does not exist, or the value is an empty collection or Boolean false or null in Java or nil in Ruby, then do not render the element. Otherwise render the element.

<ul data-if="repos">
  <li data-for="repos">
    <span data-text="description"></span>

Render element if condition is false

data-unless = "variable"

If the variable does not exist, or the value is an empty collection or Boolean false or null in Java or nil in Ruby, then render the element. Otherwise do not render the element.

<p data-unless="repos">
  No repos.

Remove tag or element content

data-remove = "mode"

Remove parts of the element from being rendered. The mode parameter is a string specifying what parts to remove:

  • element - Remove entire element including start and end tags, and children of the element.
  • tag - Remove start and end tags. Preserve children of the element.
  • content - Preserve start and end tags. Remove children of the element.

For example, this is useful when you want your HTML prototype to display multiple sample items in a list, but you don't want the template to render the sample items when the application runs.

  <li data-for="colors">red</li>
  <li data-remove="element">green</li>
  <li data-remove="element">blue</li>

Another example renders table rows two at a time:

  <span data-for="posts">

This is invalid HTML because span is not one of the elements allowed to nest under table. Use this command to not render the span tag, but still render its contents:

  <span data-for="posts" data-remove="tag">

Set element content to included template

data-include = "template[#id]"

Set the element content to the template named template. Specify the optional fragment id to include only the content of an element from the template identified by an id attribute. The included content replaces any existing children of the element.

<div data-include="footer.html#footer"></div>

Combine this command with the data-remove="tag" command to replace the entire element including its start and end tags:

<div data-include="footer.html#footer" data-remove="tag"></div>

Escape XML

By default, values are escaped. Set the attribute


to the literal string "false" to disable escaping within the element.

<!-- Do not escape XML in this element and all its children. -->
<h1 data-escape-xml="false">
  Hello, <span data-text="firstName"></span> <span data-text="lastName"></span>

Localization Commands

These commands render translations using the platform's localization framework.

Set attribute

data-attr-message = "attribute=key{,variable} {; attribute=key{,variable}}"

Set the attribute named attribute with the message looked up using the key key. Variables named by the optional variable parameters are interpolated into the message. In Java, placeholders such as {0} and {1} in the message are substituted. In Ruby, the values are available for string interpolation by variable name in the form #{variable}.

<a data-attr-message="title=summary,subject,date">

For convenience, these commands set commonly used HTML attributes and require only the key and variable parameters:

  • data-alt-message
  • data-title-message
  • data-value-message

Set element content text

data-text-message = "key{,variable}"

Set the text content of the element to the message looked up using the key key. The text replaces any existing children of the element.

<h1 data-text-message="greeting">Hello</h1>